Miðvikudaginn 16. febrúar heldur Diane Elson, prófessor í félagsfræði við Háskólann í Essex í Bretlandi og formaður UK Women‘s Budget Group, fyrirlesturinn „Kynjuð fjárlagagreining á tímum niðurskurðar.“ Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í Norræna húsinu, kl. 11.30-12:30.
Í erindinu verður fjallað um rannsóknir UK Women‘s Budget Group á fyrirhuguðum niðurskurði á fjárlögum í Bretlandi síðar á þessu ári. Kannað verður hvort rannsóknirnar geti gagnast öðrum kvennréttindahópum við greiningar á niðurskurðarfjárlögum í öðrum löndum.
Diane Elson er hér á landi í boði Jafnréttisstofu.
Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku.
On Wednesday the 16th of February, Diane Elson, Professor of Sociology at the University of Essex in the UK and Chair of the UK Women‘s Budget Group, will give a public talk titled: Gender Budget Analysis for an Age of Austerity. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Center for Gender Equality.
The talk will draw on analysis made by the UK Women’s Budget Group of the UK public expenditure cuts announced in November 2011. It will consider whether there are any lessons for other women’s groups that want to analyse expenditure cuts in other countries.
Diane Elson has been a member of the UK Women’s Budget Group for more than 10 years, and is currently Chair of the Group. She is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Essex, UK. Diane has published widely on women’s rights and government budgets, and acted as advisor on gender responsive budgeting to the United Nations Development Fund for Women, the United Nations Development Programme and the Commonwealth Secretariat. Her current research includes: auditing economic policy from a human rights perspective; and macroeconomic policies and gender equality.
Her recent publications include:
‘Engendering Government Budgets in the Context of Globalisation(s)’, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol.6, No.4 (pp 623-642) December 2004.
Budgeting for Women’s Rights; Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW, UNIFEM, New York, 2006.
(with R. Sharp) ‘Gender Responsive Budgeting and Women’s’ Poverty’ in S. Chant(ed) International Handbook on Gender and Poverty, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2010.