#MeToo-hreyfingin vakti umræður um kynbundna áreitni og kynbundið ofbeldi og sýndi fram á þörfina fyrir fleiri sjónarhorn þegar kemur að þessum málum eins og kemur fram í The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of the #MeToo Movement (2021, Routledge). Handbókin leiðir saman ólíkar raddir umhverfis heiminn og gefur bæði staðbundin yfirlit yfir stöðuna í málaflokknum sem og umfjöllun um almenn viðbrögð við hreyfingunni. Væntanleg bók sem nefnist Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment. Perspectives from the Nordic Region (2023, Bristol University Press) býður svo upp á nýjan skilning á kynbundinni áreitni með því að leiða saman rannsakendur, sérfræðinga og rithöfunda á Norðurlöndunum. Þar er spurningunni um hvernig lagarammar geti stuðlað að forvörnum velt upp og fjallað um ímynd Norðurlandanna sem velferðar- og jafnréttissamfélaga í samhengi við baráttuna gegn kynferðislegri áreitni.

RIKK – Rannsóknastofnun í jafnréttisfræðum, Skrifstofa kynjarannsókna í Svíþjóð og NIKK (norrænar upplýsingar um kyn) standa fyrir málþingi sem ber titilinn Gender-Based Violence, Justice, and Knowledge Production in the Nordic Region og fer fram þann 25. apríl frá kl. 13.30 til 16.30 í fyrirlestrasal Þjóðminjasafns Íslands þar sem höfundar og ritstjórar sem standa að bókunum tveimur munu fjalla um meginefni þeirra, bæði í fyrirlestrum og umræðum. Dagskrá á ensku má sjá hér að neðan og upptökur af viðburðinum þar fyrir neðan.



Date: April 25, 2023

Time: 13.30–16.30

Place: National Museum of Iceland, Suðurgata 41, 102 Reykjavík, Iceland


Opening Remarks


Hólmfríður Garðarsdóttir, Professor at the Faculty of Languages and Literature at the University of Iceland and chairman of RIKK’s Steering Committe

Elin Engström, Head of Operations at NIKK – Nordic Information on Gender

Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment


Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment. Perspectives from the Nordic Region, opens for new understandings of sexual harassment by bringing researchers, writers, and policymakers in the Nordic region into dialogue.

Maja Lundqvist, Analyst at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research and co-editor of the book, gives a brief introduction to the book.

Restorative Justice, Carceral Feminism and Sexual Violence


How can feminist thinking address alternative ways of perceiving and doing justice in relation to sexual violence and harassment? How can we understand and respond to the cry for longer prison sentences? Can restorative justice be a favourable alternative for victim-survivors of sexual violence and harassment?

Several chapters in Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment discuss justice from different perspectives and two authors will present their work.

“Beyond Restorative Justice. Survivors’ Calls for Innovative Practices in Iceland”, Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir, PhD in sociology of law and post-doc at the University of Iceland.

“I Have Always Thought a Lot about the Nature of Violence. Carceral Feminism and Sexual Violence in the Neoliberal State”, Silas Aliki, lawyer and writer.

Authors Dialogue


Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir and Silas Aliki, facilitated by Maja Lundqvist. Including questions and comments from the audience



Editors Discussion – Knowledge Production in the Field of Gender-Based Violence


A short introduction to The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of the #MeToo Movement by editor Giti Chandra, research specialist at the University of Iceland, followed by a discussion between Giti Chandra and Maja Lundqvist. The dialogue will focus knowledge building, intersectionality, and the meaning of context in regard to sexual harassment and gender-based violence. Including questions and comments from the audience

Closing Remarks


Hólmfríður Garðarsdóttir