ProGender er rafrænt samstarfsverkefni um kynbundin áhrif COVID-19 kreppunnar. Annar gestafyrirlestur verkefnisins verður haldinn þriðjudaginn 16. mars, kl. 15.00-16.30 að íslenskum tíma. Brynja Elísabeth Halldórsdóttir flytur erindi um kynbundið ofbeldi á tímum faraldursins undir yfirskriftinni „Exacerbating an already dangerous problem: Gender-based violence in COVID times“. Fyrirlesturinn er á ensku.

Ágrip fyrirlestursins:
Data from the UN indicate that nearly a third of women will experience gender-based violence in their lifetime. Such violence increases significantly in times of economic, social, and political stress. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased global concerns about the impact of gender-based violence. Since the rise of the #MeToo hashtag in 2018, the public discourse on violence against women has been at the forefront of news media in the Western world. In the past three years, Iceland has significantly increased provisions related to gender-based violence. This paper uses a critical feminist lens to examine how the discourse around gender-based violence has been reflected through Icelandic news media since the beginning of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Fyrirlesturinn er haldinn í gegnum netfundarforritið Zoom:

Meeting ID: 989 3012 1663
Passcode: 001067

Fyrirlesturinn verður einnig í beinu streymi á Facebook @ProGenderproject.