Gender Based Violence in War: Old and New Approaches

Þann 14. maí flytur Inger Skjelsbæk, sérfræðingur hjá Friðarrannsóknarstofnuninni í Osló, fyrirlesturinn Gender Based Violence in War: Old and New Approaches í stofu 104 á Háskólatorgi. Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku.


Gender-based violence in war has gone from being perceived as a byproduct of war to being seen as an instrument of war. The wars in Bosnia and Rwanda stand out as the turning points of this conceptual change. Today sexual violence in war is prosecuted in international criminal courts and discussed in the United Nations Security Council as a threat to international peace and security. This remarkable change has been made possible because women’s experiences in war have gained increasing international attention since the 1980s. Skjelsbæk’s talk will focus on how this change has come about and what the implications are for today’s policy makers.