Í hádegisfyrirlestrum RIKK á vorönn 2025 verður áfram fjallað um stéttarhugtakið. Fyrsti gestur á nýju ári er Tamara Shefer, prófessor í kvenna- og kynjafræðum við University of the Western Cape, Cape Town. Fyrirlesturinn nefnist Class, Gender and Anthropogenic Environmental Crises and Response: Thoughts from South African Watery Contexts og fer fram í Þjóðminjasafni Íslands fimmtudaginn, 16. janúar á milli kl. 12 og 13. Erindið fer fram á ensku. Öll velkomin!

Ágrip á ensku:

This lecture explores hydrofeminism, a concept by Astrida Neimanis, which examines the interconnectedness of humans and water. Tamara will discuss how environmental challenges are tied to global inequalities in class, gender, race, and geopolitics, with a focus on the disproportionate burden on poor Black women. Additionally, she will highlight the resilience and resistance of marginalized women against exploitative practices, advocating for alternative engagements with our shared water resources.

Tamara Shefer is Senior Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town. Her scholarship has been directed at intersectional gender and sexual justice, with particular emphasis on young people. She is currently engaged with re-conceptualising academic knowledge with emphasis on embodied, affective, feminist, decolonial pedagogies and research, including collaborations across art and activism and thinking with oceans and water.

Recent edited volumes include Hydrofeminist thinking with ocean/s: Political and scholarly possibilities (Shefer, Bozalek & Romano, Routledge, 2024) and the Routledge Handbook of Global Feminisms and Gender Studies: Convergences, Divergences and Pluralities (Torres, Pinto, Shefer & Hearn, 2024).