Polish Migrants in Iceland: A Gender Perspective

Fimmtudaginn 29. september heldur Anna Wojtynska, doktorsnemi í mannfræði við Háskóla Íslands, hádegisfyrirlestur hjá RIKK undir titlinum “Polish Migrants in Iceland: A Gender Perspective”. Í fyrirlestrinum mun Anna fjalla um pólska innflytjendur á Íslandi frá kynjasjónarhorni, en kyn og kyngervi hefur nýlega orðið mikilvægur hluti rannsókna á sviði fólksflutninga- og innflytjendamála. Útdrátt úr fyrirlestrinum má sjá á ensku hér fyrir neðan. Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í stofu 102 á Háskólatorgi kl. 12:00-13:00 og fer hann fram á ensku.

On Thursday 29 September, Anna Wojtynska, PhD student of anthropology at the University of Iceland, will give a lecture titled “Polish Migrants in Iceland: A Gender Perspective”. The lecture will take place in Háskólatorg, room 102, at 12-1pm.


Gender is an important set of social relations that influences the organization of mobility patterns. Gender norms are one of the social elements that shape the strategies and options available to migrants, both in their home and receiving countries. Yet, gender analysis used to be almost absent in studies of migration and has only recently received growing attention from scholars. In her lecture, Anna Wojtynska will look at the process of Polish migration to Iceland from a gender perspective. Firstly, she will explore how the political transformation in Poland has had different ramifications for men and women, which is reflected in the character of their international mobility patterns. Secondly, she will look at how the gendered Icelandic labour market impacts inflow patterns. Thirdly, she will discuss the consequences of migration for gender relations.