Tímaritið International Feminist Journal of Politics kallar eftir greinum í sérrit um karlmennsku og ofbeldi við átakaaðstæður. Áhersla er lögð á karlmennskuna sem hugtak, hugmynd og frásögn og á ofbeldi í tíma og rúmi. Skilafrestur er 15. ágúst 2011. Sjá nánari upplýsingar á ensku hér fyrir neðan.
Rethinking Masculinity & Practices of Violence in Conflict Settings
Call for Papers
Special Issue of International Feminist Journal of Politics
Guest Edited by Marsha Henry and Paul Kirby
London School of Economics & Political Science
Thinking about masculinity, maleness and men has always had a place in the interdisciplinary fields of feminist, queer and gender studies. Discussion and debate about the relevance of masculinity as a shifting concept has recently been further developed in the fields of politics and International Relations (IR) where scholars have explicitly tried to address women’s experiences in relation to the persistence of the ‘man question’.
Despite this, masculinity in international politics remains somewhat amorphous. Research has tended to be disconnected, addressing particular wars or media events, rather than masculinity as an organising concept or its role across space and time in its historically variable forms.
This Special Issue of International Feminist Journal of Politics (IFjP) therefore seeks to extend and deepen work on the conceptual character and concrete forms taken by masculinity through the lens of violence and conflict settings. In line with the remit of IFjP, we invite contributions which address problems at the intersection of international relations, politics and women’s studies
Papers submitted for consideration should address one or both of the following core themes:
Masculinity as a concept, idea and narrative:
When we speak of male violence or masculine violence, how do we think of the relationship between identities and acts? What conceptual vocabularies are appropriate to our analytical and political aims, and how do we negotiate the affective identifications and dis-identifications that come with such labels? How closely do we associate masculinity with biological maleness, and what implications does that have for how we think about female masculinity or the possibilities of non-masculine militarised or non-militarised masculinities? Is masculinity a practice, a cause or an idea?
Practices of violence across time and place:
How do situated and empirical investigations substantiate these conceptual questions? Can we learn anything new from the experiences of female peacekeepers or of female combatants? Are theoretical claims about dissociating masculinity from men born out in practice, or are the general patterns much as we might expect from a traditional account of the relationship between men and violence? How can we account for non-violent masculinity, restraint and control, particularly in military and militarised contexts? Where do we place the masculinity of enablers, such as militia commanders or strategists, who legitimise and craft violence without carrying it out themselves? How might we investigate military intervention, sexual violence, violent displacement or people trafficking in global politics in terms which properly account for similarity and difference?
This Call for Papers is open to established scholars, graduate students and independent researchers from all disciplines. We strongly encourage submissions emerging from and reflecting the full global spectrum of feminist analysis.
Submitted papers should conform to the guidelines set out by IFjP (which are available online) and should be no longer than 5,000-8,000 words in length. Submissions will be anonymously refereed by at least two reviewers.
Preliminary enquiries regarding the suitability of manuscripts should be directed to the Guest Editors, Marsha Henry (m.g.henry@lse.ac.uk) and Paul Kirby (p.kirby@lse.ac.uk).
All papers for review and possible publication should be submitted directly to IFjP (ifjp@yorku.ca). Papers will then be reviewed and a final selection chosen for publication in International Feminist Journal of Politics, Volume 13, Issue 4, due out in late 2012.
The deadline for submission of papers is Monday 15 August 2011.