RIKK vekur athygli á fjarnámskeiði á meistarastigi í kynjafræðum við Háskólann í Linköping í Svíþjóð. Sjá upplýsingar á ensku hér fyrir neðan.
Online Part Time Master Course in Intersectional Gender Studies
Welcome to apply to Tema Genus’ new training at graduate level!
Our new, English language distance master course combines intensive face-to-face weeks at the start and end of term with online communication.The course is aimed at students, teachers and professionals who want to use interdisciplinary gender expertise and gender perspective in their further studies or in their professional life.
Language: English.
The course Teaching Intersectional Gender, Sexuality, Ethnicity and Equality starts in autumn 2011 (30 ECTS). See here.
The course’s 30 ECTS can be incorporated into Tema Genus’s new and excellent one- and two-year Master programmes which start autumn 2012.
Tema Genus [“Gender Theme”] at Linköping University, Sweden, is a nationally and internationally known research environment. We are classified as one of three excellent gender units in Sweden by the Swedish Research Council.
Since 1999, Tema Genus has been a creative and dynamic environment in which to engage in interdisciplinary research and graduate studies. Our researchers, teachers and graduate students come from around the world: From Kathmandu to Santa Cruz, From Cape Town to Reykjavík. In our new training from undergraduate level to advanced level, we combine Tema Genus research excellence with new pedagogical approaches and practices, under the motto ‘Changing Gender Studies, Gender Studies for Change’.
To apply for autumn 2011 (late application): see info and access to late application form here.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact us …
Director of studies: Anna Lundberg (anna.a.lundberg@liu.se)
Director of Postgraduate Research Training: Pia Laskar (pia.laskar@liu.se)
Head of Gender Studies Unit, Prof. Nina Lykke ( ninly@tema.liu.se)
Administrator Elisabeth Samuelsson (elisabeth.samuelsson@liu.se)