The #MeToo movement sparked many debates and increased the demand for more problematized perspectives on the issue of sexual harassment and sexual and gender-based violence as explored in The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of the #MeToo Movement (2021, Routledge). The Handbook brought together voices from around the globe, providing a rich and multifaceted overview of region-specific as well as general responses to the #MeToo movement. A new collection, Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment. Perspectives from the Nordic Region (2023, Bristol University Press), offers new understandings of sexual harassment by bringing researchers, writers, and policymakers in the Nordic region into dialogue in an ambitious volume. It asks what role juridical frameworks can and should play in prevention and raises questions about how the image of Nordic states – as gender equal, colour blind and with strong welfare systems – affects the work against sexual harassment in the region.
RIKK – Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference at the University of Iceland, the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research and NIKK – Nordic Information on Gender invite you to a session with authors and editors engaging with some of the central topics of the two collections. The seminar will take place 25 April at the National Museum of Iceland. Come and listen to presentations and dialogues with:
- Maja Lundqvist, co-editor of Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment. Perspectives from the Nordic Region.
- Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir, PhD in sociology of law, author of the chapter “Beyond Restorative Justice. Survivors’ Calls for Innovative Practices in Iceland” in Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment.
- Silas Aliki, lawyer and writer, author of the chapter “I Have Always Thought a Lot about the Nature of Violence. Carceral Feminism and Sexual Violence in the Neoliberal State” in Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment.
- Giti Chandra, co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of the #MeToo Movement and the author of the chapter “The Anonymous Feminist. Agency, Trauma, Personhood, and the #MeToo Movement”.
- Irma Erlingsdóttir, co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of the #MeToo Movement and the author of the chapter “Fighting Structural Inequalites. Feminist Activism and the #MeToo Movement in Iceland”.
Welcome to a seminar on the #MeToo movement, justice, restoration, carceral feminism, and knowledge building around sexual harassment. A detailed program will be sent out soon, but save the date, and join us for a thought provoking, inspiring and interesting afternoon in April!
Registration below.

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