In relation to the upcoming special issue of Norma: International Journal of Masculinity Studies on “Bordering Regimes and Transitioning Masculinities of Racialized Migrant Men in Europe”, a seminar is being held at the University of Iceland. Nine specialists on men in migration will present their research conducted in Greece, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Britain, and Belgium. These recent works illuminate how male refugees and other migrants assemble the gendered identities in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, partnerships, sexualities, singlehood, religion, labour precarities, transnational families, digital networks, and legal uncertainties – while being affected by bordering tactics.  

The seminar will be held in room VHV-007 in Veröld: Hús Vigdísar at the University of Iceland, on 20 April between 10.00 –14.50. During the morning session Dr. Reena Kukreja (editor of the special issue), Dr. Francesco Della Pubba, Dr. Francesco Cerciaro, and Dr. Vula Fidolini will present their works. In the afternoon session, Dr. Andreas Henriksson and Andrea Priory will present their collective paper, followed by the doctoral student Stephen Damianos, then Dr. Árdís K. Ingvars and lastly Dr. Dany Carnassale. All the speakers will present their work in person, except Dr. Fidolini and Dr. Carnassale who will present through digital technologies.  

The seminar will be conducted in English and is open to the public as capacity allows. The room holds 44 persons. The seminar is sponsored by RIKK – Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference at the University of Iceland and the following workshop is supported by the Department of Sociology at the University of Iceland. See programme below.

The seminar will be live streamed and available here: Meeting ID: 612 0595 4060

The photograph is from Reena Kukreja’s exhibition in Athens, Greece.



10:00-10:10 Introduction to the open presentations, first half.  

Ingólfur V. Gíslason, honorary reviewer 

10.10-10:30 ‘Lakeeran’ The Lines Between Us: Experiencing and Undoing Borders Among South Asian Migrant Men in Greece 

Reena Kukreja 

10:30-10:50 Masculinity transitions, biographical repositionings and identity redefinitions of Italian-Bangladeshis relocating to London 

Francesco Della Puppa 

10:50-11:10 From son to father. Masculinity, fatherhood and migration in the life stories of Muslim men married outside their religious group 

Francesco Cerchiaro 

11:10-11:30 Fluid borders between “here” and “there.” Premarital relationships, familial control and masculinity construction among young Moroccan in Europe 

Vulca Fidolini – presented online 

11:30-12.00 Questions from the audience 

12:00-12.50 Lunch Break 

12:50-13.00 Introduction to the open presentations, second half 

13:10-13:30 Transnational bachelors in Sweden and Germany. Theorizing singledom in the context of contemporary transnational migration. 

Andreas Henriksson and Andrea Priori 

13:30-13:50 The Invisible Men in Greece: Examining Technology, Temporality, and Masculinities in Limbo 

Stephen Damianos 

13:50-14:10 Poetic desirability among un-settled men in Europe 

Árdís K. Ingvars 

14:10-14:30 Jeopardizing the boundaries of masculinity. Transnational experiences of Senegalese MSM living in Italy. 

Dany Carnassale – presented online 

14:30-14:50 Questions from the audience and closing of the open session