Auður H. Ingólfsdóttir
Auður H. Ingólfsdóttir is the third lecturer of the RIKK and GEST Lecture Series for Spring 2020 with a lecture entitled “Climate Change, Gender Equality and Development Cooperation.” The lecture will be held Thursday 5 March, 12:00-13:00, at the Lecture Hall of the National Museum.
Gender sensitive climate policies can only be realized if we are aware of the various links between climate change, gender equality and social justice. The climate crisis is profoundly influencing the planet, putting pressure on both ecosystems and communities. Not all people, however, are impacted in the same way. Developing countries are likely to experience more serious consequences than industrialized countries with more developed infrastructure. Communities that rely directly on natural resources for their livelihoods are at a special risk. Gender is one of the important variables that need to be considered when evaluating the impact of climate change on different groups. This lecture will focus specifically on the links between gender and climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa and discuss the importance of integrating gender concerns into climate policies and programmes in development cooperation. The role of education and awareness raising will be highlighted.
Dr. Auður H. Ingólfsdóttir has an educational background in international relations with a special focus on global environmental issues, natural resource management and gender. She has taught in the GEST module on gender and climate change for several years and is currently involved in a GEST project whose aim is to develop short training courses on gender and climate change in Malawi.
The lecture is in English, open to everyone, and admission is free.
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The RIKK and GEST lecture series in spring 2020 is devoted to gender and climate change. The lecture series is held in collaboration with the National Museum of Iceland.
Guðrún Svavarsdóttir is the moderator. View a recording of the lecture here: