(See English below)
Sænska öndvegissetrið GEXcel – Center for gender excellence kallar eftir erindum á ráðstefnuna Gender Paradoxes of Changing Academic and Scientific Organisation(s), sem fer fram við Örebro-háskóla í Svíþjóð 20.-21. október 2011. Sjá nánari lýsingu á ensku hér að neðan.
GEXcel Theme 11-12, Gender Paradoxes of Changing Academic and Scientific Organisation(s), invites scholars, at all career stages, to apply for a workshop conference in October 20-21, 2011 at Örebro University, Sweden.
We invite abstract submissions for the conference from scholars at all career stages whose research addresses one or more of the following sub-themes:
1. The paradox of CHANGE: rapid “non-gendered” change, and gender inertia in academic and scientific organizations; gendering “non-gendered” change processes; gatekeepers promoting and preventing change.
2. The paradox of EXCELLENCE: gendering new and emerging stratifications of academic and scientific organizations, disciplines and professions; gender impact of different excellence programmes and initiatives; critical policy analyses of excellence promotion.
3. The paradox of INTERVENTIONS: gender dynamics of gender equality promotion, resistance and change in academic and scientific settings; gender equality change agents in science and academia; gender fatigue; gender impacts of seemingly non-gendered interventions such as reforms in governance, appointment, evaluation, funding or salary systems.
For a full description of the Theme see here.
Each of these themes raises complex questions and contradictions for current critical theorizing on gender, academia and science. Papers are also invited more generally on theorizing and methodology in this research area: theories and methodologies, power, dominance, hegemony, deconstruction, centres and peripheries, relations of knowledge/policy/practice.
PROVISIONAL SPEAKERS include: Jan Currie (Murdoch University, Australia), Suzanne de Cheveigné (CNRS, France), Jen de Vries (University of Western Australia), Maria do Mar Pereira (London School of Economics, UK), Heike Kahlert (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany), Mia Liinason (Lund University, Sweden), Louise Morley (University of Sussex, UK), Paula Mählck (Stockholm University, Sweden), Irina Nikiforova (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Helen Peterson (Linköping University, Sweden), Teresa Rees (Cardiff University, UK), Helene Schiffbaenker (Joanneum Institute, Austria), Marieke van den Brink (Radboud University, Nijmegen), Monika Wirz (University of Cambridge), Angela Wroblewski (Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna).
FORMAT: This conference will begin with a get-together on Wednesday evening (19 October 2011). Thursday and Friday (20-21 October 2011) will be based on small-scale conference format, with workshop meetings (on each of the four sub-themes), a few plenary sessions and a final plenary panel on 21 October. Workshops are designed to be a forum for discussion of research in progress related to the conference sub-themes and to facilitate collaboration among scholars at all career stages. Each sub-theme workshop will have about 10-12 participants, with short pre-circulated papers from presenters. Each sub-theme will be assigned a coordinator and rapporteur, whose tasks will include summarising research and discussion themes and presenting these summaries at the closing plenary. We expect the conference and workshops to lead to publications, as well as to continued collaboration between members.
COSTS: Meals and hospitality will be provided by GEXcel. Costs for accommodation and travel will normally be paid by participants. Very exceptionally, some contribution may be made.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Send electronically an Abstract of Proposed Paper of up to 250 words demonstrating how research connects to one of the sub-themes. Please also include a Brief Biographical Note of up to 150 words outlining your current research interests, most recent publications, academic affiliation and status, and full contact details.
ADDRESS FOR SUBMISSIONS: GEXcelTheme11-12@oru.se, with a cc to mia.fogel@oru.se. All applications must be clearly marked in the subject of the email: Abstract GEXcel conf 2011.
NOTIFICATION: A committee will review applicants and notify candidates selected for participation by September 5, 2011.
INQUIRIES: Please send all inquiries to liisa.husu@oru.se.