(See English below)
Norræna netverkið Gender, Body, Health, Rannsóknastofa í kvenna- og kynjafræðum (RIKK) og EDDA – öndvegissetur við Háskóla Íslands boða til alþjóðlegrar ráðstefnu sem ber heitið „Líkamar í krísu“ og verður haldin dagana 2.-4. nóvember 2011 við Háskóla Íslands. Ráðstefnan er skipulögð í tengslum við alþjóðlega afmælisráðstefnu RIKK sem haldin verður í tilefni að 20 ára afmæli stofnunarinnar 4.-5. nóvember. Hér má nálgast frekari upplýsingar.
Call for Proposals for the International Conference
Bodies in Crisis
The Nordic Network Gender, Body, Health in collaboration with RIKK – Center for Women’s and Gender Research and EDDA – Center of Excellence at the University of Iceland
2-4 November, 2011 University of Iceland, Reykjavik
The Nordic Network Gender, Body, Health is based at the Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala University, Sweden and had its first network meeting in January 2008. With the aim of achieving productive interdisciplinary work on issues concerning gender, body, and health, the network gathers researchers and practitioners from a number of diverse fields such as medicine, comparative literature, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, cultural geography, sports- and health sciences, psychiatry, social psychology, and history of science.
We now invite submissions for the fifth meeting with the network Gender, Body, Health, an international conference under the theme “Bodies in Crisis”. The conference will take place on November 2-4, 2011 at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary Conference of RIKK – The Center for Women’s and Gender Research at the University of Iceland.
We welcome submissions for papers, panels, and mini-workshops approaching issues within the overarching theme from a broad range of disciplines and fields of research.Topics can include, but are not limited to:
Representations and Discourses of Bodies in Crisis
Vulnerability and Suffering
Bodies in Economic Crisis and Poverty
Trauma and PTSD
Sexuality and Reproduction in Times of Crisis
Global Bodies and Bodies in Transition
Bodily Boundaries and Integrity
Responsible Bodies and Crises of Responsibility
Healing and Cathartic Forces of Crisis
One page abstracts are due August 1, 2011. Please submit your abstracts to body@gender.uu.se. More information will be made available here.